Thursday, 24 April 2008

Sky Watch Friday # 7

Some sunset shots from the roof terrace.
( Calahonda - Spain)
©lick on pictures to enlarge

For more Sky Watch photos, visit Wigger’s World.


GAWO said...

Sist jeg var innom deg fristet du meg til å reise norover. Idag er det sydover. Jeg sier snart: Jatakk, begge deler. Virkelig vakre bilder fra et spennende sted.

Petunia said...

Nydelig! Skulle gjerne ha plasket rundt i det bassenget og sett solen forsvinne i havet:)

***Fotografia e Luz*** said...

beautiful and magnificent photos sky

Tom said...

Hello again John
Calahonda looks a beautiful place and the sunset is captured so well.

Rose said...

Those are stunning shots....almost unreal.

Voz do meu Coração said...

beautiful pictures, with a beautiful sky

Berit T said...

Kjempeflott plass og bilder!!

Men vi har nå hatt noen flotte dager her også nå, men ikke badetemp. enda da, men sole seg, ja...

Anonymous said...

They all look like tropical sunsets. I like your photographs.

Maria said...

Incredible sunsets!!

Carole said...


♥ Denise BC ♥ said...

What color perfect, beautiful picture.

imac said...

Postcard quality great photos for sky watch.

My sky watch is up also The Goat Man

Daniel J Santos said...

That's fantastic, beautiful.

Angie said...

Beautiful photos.I would love to swim in that swimming pool!

Pernille said...

Skjønner ikke at dere kom heim etter å ha vært på denne fantastisk flotte plassen. Og så med den solnedgangen da. Jeg reiser nedover med en gang og sender regninga til deg. For no ble jeg alt for fristet! Himmel for noen vakre bilder:) Du er dyktig!

SandyCarlson said...

What a beautiful sunset! Thanks for these.

Snap Catch said...

Fabulous shots! The earth and sky, woods and fields, lakes and rivers, the mountain and the sea, are excellent schoolmasters, and teach some of us more than we can ever learn from books. mine's up too, hope you'll visit mine.

Carletta said...

What a dream vacation spot this would be.

Marie said...

Eia var vi der!

Zizzi Molde said...

Kjenner skuldrene senke seg bare ved å se på bildene.... Vakkert!

Anonymous said...

WOW! what a perfect shots!

Neal said...

Those look almost unreal. I'm not a water person as far as swimming but I love pictures like this.

lv2scpbk said...

Beautiful photos. Wish I were there.

Anonymous said...

Beuatiful sunset shot and colours.

dot said...

Beautiful! I love to take a swim in that pool!

Sharon said...

Those are wonderful, the colors are beautiful. You have a great view!

Anonymous said...

I guess this is what is meant by "paradise", because it looks like it to me!

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

John: Really cool sunset. Nice capture.

Anonymous said...

Photos of a beautiful place and the sunset is captured so well!

Ví Leardi said...

This site makes one not want to go any where else ever...Stunning

Lilli & Nevada said...

Absolutely stunning, i love the pool wish i was there right now

Sherry said...

Oh my, these are incredible. The photos make me long to be there!

Pretty Life Online said...

fantastic catch for SWF! mine’s up too, hope you can visit. Have a wonderful weekend!

Scotty Graham said...

very nice photographs!!

Keep up the great work....


Garden Angel said...

Drømme drømme...for her forsvant sola gitt..
Godt du har noen herlige bilder å vise frem her da!
Så vi holder temperaturen oppe;)
Ha en herlig helg og kos dere masse!
Hilsen fra andre siden av brua:)

Jane Hards Photography said...

Another beautiful montage of gorgeous sunsets.Perfect skywatch

Marie said...

Takk for tips! Klokka på kamera mitt stod på vintertid, eg har retta til sommartid nå.

Eg er ikkje flink med innstillingar på kamera. Kunne tenkt meg eit kurs, men på kursa eg har sett er det speilrefleks som gjeld og eg har berre vanleg digital kamera.

God helg og hels frua :)

Anonymous said...

Spectacular shots... breathtaking!

Rune Eide said...

Jeg skulle gjerne ha prøvd det svømmebassenget - og så noe godt på terrassen, med den den utsikten etterpå!

Anne said...

Du frister til reiser utenlands du John !! Det skal være sikket og visst. Nydelige bilder...

God helg til deg og din fru.

Indrani said...

Lovely sunset shots. Mine is cloudless.

Small City Scenes said...

Very tropical looking. Nice. MB

Kim said...

Oooh, paradise, let's go there!

Anita said...

Stunning! Someday I would love to see this in person!

Thanks for stopping by Prairie Visions!

Garden Angel said...

Hei du!
Nei, har du slengt deg på ertebølgen til kona nå eller??
Bedre og bedre dag for dag du liksom...hmmm
Du tuller vel ikke med de spreke bildene Lene fikk vel? hihihi
Tok meg skikkelig nær av dette jeg nå altså!
Og for å underbygge dette må jeg (flause)spørre hva LOL betyr?
Noe jeg har lurt på lenge, men ikke turt å spørre noen om..hahaha
Ha en fin kveld videre!

Stacey Olson said...

Sunsets are just beautiful no matter where you see them from, but this one is extra special over the sea in spain. thanks for sharing

Anonymous said...

Those colors are so intense! I love these shots.

♥ Stines hverdag said...

Jeg vil også til Spania... Så fantastiske bilder. Sitte på takterrassen, slappe av med et glass vin og bare nyte den vakre utsikten. Drømme, drømme... Hadde vært helt greit det ja ;-)


Champ Townboy said...

These are stunning photos!!! Thank you for sharing them.

Cherie said...

I want to be there!

That isolated, empty pool is mighty inviting under that magical sky.

Garden Angel said...

Takker og bukk...neier for oppklaringen!hihi
Skjønte egentlig at du ikke sikta til "eldrebølgen" klarte ikke motstå fristelsen å tulle litt med det;)
Men LOL skjønte jeg ikke før nå...så takk!
Tror ikke bare det brukes på nettet...Har hørt ungene har sagt det også. Men da jeg spurte hva det betydde, visste de ikke..
Driver og maler jeg, så jeg får gå tilbake til penselen!
Hils frua da;)

Anonymous said...

Would love to be sitting there looking at those lovely skies and water!!

Garden Angel said...

Glemte å takke for koselige ord om bildene hos meg;)Tusen takk!Setter pris på koselige kommentarer:)

LiseH said...

Herlig, herlig!!
Vakre bilder :-)!

Craver Vii said...

So cool! What a treat for us to see your photos; they're so beautiful!

Pappy said...

Thanks for coming by today. I like all your shots, but the one with the lighted pool is my favorite. Come back anytime.

Anonymous said...

Well, John, how lucky to watch a sunset like that! :D

mrsnesbitt said...

John, how lovely to share your back garden with us all! LOL!

Anonymous said...

Wow! What a beautiful place and your photos are stunning!

Louis la Vache said...

Louis la Vache thanks you for visiting his "San Francisco Bay Daily Photo"!

You've certainly posted beautiful photos for Sky Watch Friday!

Daryl said...

Surely that is paradise!

Paulie said...

I tried to choose which one I liked the best but it was impossible! Each has their own beauty. I like each one for a different reason. Fantastic job!

Anonymous said...

John, those are spectacular photographs. I love how it's so clearly divided by those colors - heaven and earth :)

Anonymous said...

I see skies of blue
clouds of white
Bright blessed days
dark sacred nights
And I think to myself
what a wonderful world.
(Louis Armstrong)
Beautiful pictures,
cheers from Canada.

Trish ~ ♥ ~ said...

Thanks for taking us all on a little vacation to a beautiful place.

Irene said...

Wow, gorgeous pictures! Thanks for stopping by my blog.

Anonymous said...

what a beautiful view!

Dina said...

wow! what beautiful sunset shots you posted. thanks for visiting my blog yesterday. I wish you a nice weekend.

Dina said...

Spain--almost as beautiful as Norway! Your pics make me want to be there.
Shalom from the other Dina. :)

chanpheng said...

Really spectacular pictures!

Mike's Travels said...

How lovely, a swim at sunset!

FO - 2 said...

Utrolig VAKKERT! :)))
Fantastiske farger. Nydelig.
God lørdag og god helg der øst. :)

pts said...

excellent John!

Sandy said...

so beautiful! Gosh these pictures made me feel like I was right there.

Ramblings of a Villas Girl said...

Hi John! Beautiful pictures. They make me feels as I am there. Lisa

Diane Vogel Ferri said...

Your photos are amazing. Wish I was there!

nonizamboni said...

John--these are awesome photos. We woke up to snow on the ground this morning in Minnesota! so your photos were even more inviting.
Thanks for sharing.

D Herrod said...

Beautiful sunsets.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Incredible photos

Wendy said...

Beautiful set of photos.

Alan said...

Pretty setting. I could do with a dip in that pool for a relaxing swim.

Kathie Brown said...

I'm speechless! What beautiful photos!