Monday, 21 April 2008

Odd Shots Monday # 5 Swan

Visit Kathney for more Odd shots.


Lynette said...

You have an unusual swan photo, with the foot showing. Is it trying to scratch its neck? The rings around it are really nice. It is a very good photograph.

Garden Angel said...

Hahaha...godt å få lufta tærne litt:)
Artig med ringdannelsene i vannet..
Har han nettopp gått inn for landing?
Ha en fin dag videre i solskinnet!!!
Hilsen meg(",)

ArneA said...

Man må jo gni søvnen ut av øyne for å se hva dette er.

Anonymous said...

this is an excellent capture of swan. well done

Anonymous said...

This is a very beautiful swang photo! Excellent!

Jane Hards Photography said...

So easy to catch a swan gliding gently, but one with his foot like that, superb. The calrity is just fabulous too.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful shot! Hope he doesn't fall asleep like that... what a crick in his neck he'll get ;-)

Anonymous said...

This is not usual (seing a swan with foot out like that), but it's a wonderful photo.

Kyanite said...

A really different swan photo, with that you could have joined Sundays Camera Ctitters too.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, what a shiny dark-black shoe ;); and if somebody has seen already those rings around the bird?

Diane said...

Had an itch did he or she?
Great catch!

Daryl said...

Listen its not easy to scratch your nose, er beak while swimming!

Great shot!


Pernille said...

Hahaha, dette likte jeg! En vakker og pefekt svane som lufter tærne sine. Akkurat som meg:) Hahaha

Dragonstar said...

Must be so difficult for a swan to scratch!
It's a beautiful photo.

mrsnesbitt said...

Loved this......could see certain mannerisms of our goose Jo.

Lilli & Nevada said...

That is so cute i don't think i have ever seen a one scratch his neck before. Yup that is odd just goes to show they itch too.

Sharon said...

That is kind of odd but beautiful too! Great shot.

Katney said...

Oh, goodness. What is he doing? I wondered, too, if he was scratching his chin.

Garden Angel said...

Hei igjen;)
Nei duuu..jeg pleier ikke å få så fine gaver på fredager jeg altså.
Har a lurt deg nå a?
Og sagt at alle snille koner pleier å få det;) hehe
Nå skal jeg slutte å tulle her..
Takk for koselig kommentar hos meg:)
Og som den gentlemannen du er, så venter du selvfølgelig til damen har skrevet sitt først(smiler).
Hørtes ut som du hadde sittet så tålmodig og ventet til fruen var ferdig:)
Stakkars min mann slipper jo nesten ikke til her ved pc`n lenger han. Men så var det alltid han som brukte den tidligere da. Og han har sikkert ikke godt av å sitte her på fritiden, siden han jobber med pc dagen lang ellers..hehe
Ha en fin dag og kos dere videre i det fine været:)

Rune Eide said...

Bokstavelig talt en innertier.

Dypt misunnelig.