Saturday, 9 January 2010

Monochrom Weekly | Bench of the week

This Monochrome concept came from Aileni at The Monochrome Weekly
For more benches - visit Rune at "Visual Norway".


Elisabeth said...

Fabulous! Excellent depth of field. A wonderful winter capture.

Anonymous said...

A cold perspective.

John said...

Great b&w, and with the depth of field across the whole shot.

donnie said...

fab - chilly view

Rose said...

What a shot! It is so very beautiful.

Randi said...

Hva skal man si..
Perfeksjonistisk flott, nydelig perspektiv, og utrolig kreativt...veien som strekker seg gjennom bildet var perfekt og prikken over ien for meg!
men du, er det Lene som står der i enden og passer på så det ikke kommer bilder?...hihihihi...
Skulle likt å sett mer av den gården som ligger i enden der...eller huset.

Jeg finner ikke ut hvordan jeg skal få programmet til å laste opp like store bilder som de redigerer...ble så irritert da jeg oppdaget det..æsj...syns live writer var ett så greit blogge program. Har du noen gode tips så blir jeg veldig glad.

Nydelig fotovær for den som er glad i natur og fotografering..motiv hvor enn jeg ser.

Du får gi Lene en varm klem så hun tiner opp:-)

Ha en strålende flott lørdagskveld.

Randi said...

wow...skriver jeg såå mye..huffda

Reader Wil said...

Your photos are all masterpieces, John! The composition is very good and you are very creative! I wish I could take photos like that! Have a great and happy 2010! And a wonderful Sunday!
Thanks for your visit.

Rune Eide said...

Her forsvinner du helt inn i dybden- Direkte majestetisk (og plasseringen av benken gav det lille ekstra).

PS Takk for kommentaren - jeg er ikke uenig :-)

ElinSire said...

Jeg blir målløs igjen -som så ofte når jeg er her inne og ser på bildene dine!
Et meget bra bilde, nydelig lys og fargetone -hvis man kan kalle det det ;) Og dybden er jo fantastisk!
Nydelig levert!

Sagatun said...

Kjempe flott dybde i bildet ditt her.
Likte det veldig godt

Louis la Vache said...

Good choice for the monochrome image! Brrrrrr!!!!!
It looks COLD!!!!

Irene said...

Dette var virkelig lekkert John! Komposisjonen med alleen, og det frosne landskapet - perfekt!

olgafoto said...

A great dof, a great B&W, a great compo, finally a great photo !!!

Anonymous said...

The perspective and the high contrast make this scene "pop."

Mona Sweden said...

Underbar vinterbild! Gillar den skarpa kontrasten och djupet i bilden.

Kilauea Poetry said...

This is fantastic..all of your wintery pictures are fabulous! It hasn't snowed up on the mountains here so far but it's still early.
Aloha, Regina-

Ruben Hestholm said...

Et fantasisk vinterbilde du viser her John! Enorm dybde i bildet og super komposisjon!

Anonymous said...

Flott vinterbilde! Jeg er ganske så svak for både s/h og alléer så dette likte jeg veldig godt..

Flott den allén på Klokkarstua..

Julie said...

The perspective really adds depth to this image, John, with the road and the trees all leading to the same point. The dark of the trees and the white of the snow makes it a good image for b&w. Adding the bench as a focal point to all this is quite inspired.

Lovely job.

imac said...

Beautiful winterwonderland shot John.

Anne-Berit said...

Nydelig vinterbilde med flott dybde.Veldig fint i s/hv.Ei stund siden det satt noen på benken ser det ut for:o)

Anne said...

Mesternes Mester = John

Mari said...

What can I say? You've done it again! Great shot!

Rune A Karlsen (Bildebloggen) said...

Flott fangst fra aleen på Klokkarstua, og en benk har du fått med også ser jeg :) Pent is/h.

vincibene said...

Wonderful winterwonderland!

Carolyn Ford said...

I feel like I am standing there looking down that road. The depth is so good! Fabulous scene, no doubt!

raf said...

Ah, so perfect, John, in every way! Love this kind of shot with vanishing lines.

Robin said...

Stunning. I always know I'm going to see something that takes my breath away when I come here.

Dragonstar said...

Wonderful snowy trees, and your usual perfect composition. I love it!
I really don't want to sit on that bench, though.

JaviZ said...

What a perfect shot, John. Above commenters say it all, so I will just say this: Congrats!

Javier Echaiz

Laerte Pupo said...

John you are realy a expert.
Very, very beautiful.
Happy New Year to you and to your family.

Neal said...

That is very, very, very beautiful. Is that HDR? You are very talented. Of course, you do have the advantage of having great scenery! :)

Anonymous said...

That is a magical image, beautifully captured.

Aubrey, My Camera's Eye said...

What a Great shot!! Love the depth of field across the image!

Arte Joe said...

Qué belleza!! Profundidad, texturas y un monocromo con mucha suavidad. Exelente!
Saludos, José

Gena @ thinking aloud said...

Hi John, another great , great pic - wow!! I also partake in Monochrome Weekly and Skywatch, but we are so many so have not come across your site before .... will definitely be back!!!
Gena @ thinking aloud
South Africa

Sandra Gaspar said...

Great this look yours. Congratulations!

(Stor dette ser hilsen. mange!)Lol ;)

Sandra Gaspar said...

That wonderful photograph. Congratulations.
