Sunday, 31 January 2010

Drammens fjord | Hurum | A grey day


Anonymous said...

Maybe grey, but still beautiful the way you've captured the atmosphere!

RennyBA's Terella said...

Sorry, the Anonymous above is me ;-)

imac said...

Very atmospheric John.

e said...

Oh wow, these are incredible! I particularly like the second photograph, minimalist perfection. Beautiful work, your monochromes are exquisite, John.
Lizzy :)

Anne-Berit said...

Veldig fine bilder,likte spesielt det første veldig godt:)

Rune A Karlsen (Bildebloggen) said...

Flott dybde i det første og et artig motiv, har bare vært der ute på sommerstid, så jeg antar du har vasset i snø for å komme ned dit :) Bilde to var veldig stilig! Fine eksponeringer begge to.


Ha en fin uke.

Anne said...

Noe så spesiellt, men dog så stilig. Minner meg om noe, men kommer ikke helt på hva...

Fin ukestart til deg John.

Wenche said...

Stilige bilder, likte begge bilda godt, men fall kanskje mest for det første. Er nok ganske svak for stolpar har eg funne ut:-)

Stig Børre Elvegård said...

Bilde nr.2 er knallbra. Herlig komposisjon og passe merkelig.

Sandra Gaspar said...

Beautiful the way you've captured.


Hege said...

Det første bildet er spektakulært! Kjempebra dybde og de pålene som har perfekt høyde! Eller fotografen har vært flink med vinkelen! ;)

Det andre er jo kunst, kan fint henge på veggen min iallfall!

Zizzi Molde said...

Herlig! likte godt nummer 2!
Ha en fin uke!

Carolyn Ford said...

I really like how the tops of those post line up with the base of the hills in the background...and, the circles of "unfrozen" water around the posts look mysterious...these are incredible black and whites...incredible in any color for that matter!

Mari said...

These are great! The second one is very mysterious!

Chapa said...

Beautiful pictures

Dagrun said...

Bilde nr, 2 er sånn jeg får lyst til å si gratulerer! Utrolig tøft!!!!

Anne said...

Tegnestifter!!! det var det dette minte meg om, puh..., endelig kom det :-)

Kichu $ Chinnu | കിച്ചു $ ചിന്നു said...

loved teh second photo !! it gives a kind of strange feeling. .

John said...

I like the simplicity of the second shot.

Anonymous said...

i need a cup of hot coffee now. so cold but this frozen seascape looks fantastic and mysterious through your great photography

Fernando Pagán said...

Hola Jonh, he estado con el PC estropeado, pero ahora que está arreglado he visitado tus últimas entradas de nieve y son todas preciosas,teneis en invierno un marco inigualable.Aquí en España está haciendo un invierno muy duro,para lo que estamos acostumbrados, te dejo en mi última entrada un humilde ejemplo,aunque después de las tuyas, me parece poca nieve. Saludos

Pchełka said...

Thank you John for your reply concerning your workspace in the photograph below :))

What is it in the second picture?

Regina said...

Awesome as always!
Great scenes at the shore.

donnie said...

love the circles - just waiting for the sun to find out the time...

Rune Eide said...

Hatten av for nummer 2!!! :-)

Tone said...

Kjempestilige og frostfulle bilder. Likte spesielt godt det øverste. Flott vinkling!

Quint said...

John, they are both perfect stunners but I really found quite unusual and fantastic the second photo.

-K- said...

Wonderful! Its like a very cold Zen garden.

Ruben Hestholm said...

UTROLIG flotte bilder John!

Diederick Wijmans said...

Fantastic photos again, John! The one with the unfrozen circles is fabulous.

Rose said...

That looks so cooold....

Morten Pedersen said...

Flotte ringer i bilde nummer 2.

this too will pass said...

delightful... and very Zen

PJ said...

These are exceptional. It amazes me how you get around, when do you find time to sleep?

FO - 2 said...

Dette er kunst!

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing, nice post! Post really provice useful information!

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