Monday, 7 July 2008

Broer som binder - Bridges Between - Odd Shots On Monday

Ulvøya Bridge

Location: Oslo, Norway
Crosses: Ulvøysund
Open: 1928

Nesøya Bridge

Location: Asker, Norway

Broer som binder - Bridges Between concept came from RuneE. Say "G'day" to him.

Hot Air Ballon

The Odd Shots concept came from Katney. Say "G'day" to her.


GAWO said...

For meg ukjente broer. Men kanskje så kjører jeg på den kanten en dag også. Vakre broer og vakre bilder.

esnorway said...

fine broer

FANCY said...

Nice ones...but for me they are unknown bridges and they wake up my nosiness ;-)
My bridge is up.

Rune Eide said...

Jeg skjønner at du er et "båtmenneske". Den beste siden å se en bro fra er ofte fra undersiden. Virkelig koselig.

Gerald (Ackworth born) said...

A great set of bridge shots.

Anonymous said...

Great bridges ... specially because they are surrounded by beautiful skies, water and boats!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful shots of beautiful bridges. My favourite is the Nesøya Bridge with the two yachts framed underneath.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

John: You have some great shots of your area bridges.

Anne said...

Flotte brobilder john, og Nesøybroen var en vakker skapning da..., bildene dine får en virkelig til å tenke..., er det mulig med slike byggverk??

Flott dag til deg videre.

Anonymous said...

Superb collection, John... I think I like the last one with the pedestrian and car the best. Pretty much sums it up.

Love the hot air balloon.

becky aka theRAV said...

John, I thought your Odd shot was the 1st one because it looks like the bridge leads to the house! Mine will be up a bit later.

raf said...

Great Odd Shot post, John! Your Nesoya bridge pics bring to mind a bridge in Seattle by the University of Washington. Very picturesque and popular.

Jane Hards Photography said...

Wonderful bridge collection for today. The balloon shot just so elegant, against that blue, blue sky.

Lilli & Nevada said...

Oh that is great shot you must of been right underneath it.
Did you hear about the fellow that went up in the balloons with the lawn chairs? he lives here where i live.

Kyanite said...

The bridges are wonderful but to be up in the sky...

Cath said...

Brilliant angle. Just right.

Cath said...

And I forgot to mention the bridges (I thought they were separate posts!!)

As always, your perspective and depth of vision is brilliant. I love how the the curves and straight lines compliment eachother on these bridges.

Marie said...

Vakre bilde av flotte bruer :)

Liv said...

Flotte broer!

EG CameraGirl said...

Wonderful shots of the bridges, John. And how cool that you were under the balloon for an Odd Shot.

ArneA said...

Du tar noen vakre bilder.
Ulvøbroen passerer vi vanligvis i fart på E18, men har en gang tatt turen over og utforsket de flotte villaene og eiendommene der. Tannlegen min bor der og hun sykler til jobben i sentrum. Paddehavet var i sin tid ankringsplass for noen venner.
Broa ved Nesbru er også svært vakker. Den hadde lyssignal på grunn av sin smalhet i min tid der ute. Nå som Smart Club er lokalisert like ved har de kanxskje også gjort noe med trafikken over brua. Nesøen rangerer vel også over Snarøen og Ladeøen i POSH standard, så du beveger deg i de rette sirkler.

Daniel J Santos said...

excellent bridges perspectives, well done.

Anonymous said...

This is a beautiful odd shot dear John! Have a nice week!

Dragonstar said...

I love that hot air balloon, such an unusual angle. Beautiful.

Rosebud said...

Great Bridge shots. Odd balloon too.Thanks for stopping by my blog.

Paulie said...

Did you know if you click publish on your odd shots (or bridge one) it will publish and give your post a comment area separately. Then publish the other one and you will get a comment place for it too. Maybe you were trying to save people from clicking on two places? I did that at first but the bridges is just once a month and if friends participate in both, they should not worry about having to click on two posts.

OK here's my comment finally on your bridges. . . they are all beautiful. I loved the sky in the first shot. The bridge with the semi-circular "bottom" is my favorite tho!!!!!!!! I like the close up of the last one but the next to last photo is just gorgeous!

And on the odd shot. . .
Neat angle for the hot air balloon!

Anonymous said...

awesome capture for this week!
love the solitude it represents.

Katney said...

Beautiful bridges, and what an angle on the hot air balloon!

Kostas said...

The amazing all photographs AND in this post!

Anonymous said...

Det er mange flotte broer i området du har hentet din bilder fra i dag. Og jeg likte godt "reisen" du tok oss med på.

Unknown said...

This blog is amazing!!!I love to drive by a bridge, actually there are bridge beautiful for their structure or their size. simply love it. I´ll approach
costa rica investment opportunities in this country there are land that need big bridges.