Wednesday, 20 October 2010

Autumn in Båstnäs II | Car Cemetery | Old Rusty Cars


ingrid said...

hver gang jeg ser bilder herfra syntes jeg det er like vakkert og vemodig. liker bildene kjempegodt!!! :)

Mari said...

More incredible shots! I love the moss covered steering wheel.

Scott Law said...

What a great series. I would love to find a place like that, but when you live in the desert you just don't get that kind of foliage, moss, etc. Nice work John.

Sagatun said...

Flotte bilder John
Får ikke noe mindre lyst til å dra ditt nå
Likte de nærbildene best av speedometret og rattet.

Owen said...

Well, I guess by now you know I absolutely love your car cemetery photos, but these are particularly beautiful... Would love to go visit this place with you some day.

I just put a new photo in the header of my blog title, with you in mind. And found some car graveyards I think you would have liked, will be sharing more of those images soon, hope you'll have a minute to drop by.

Espen Viker said...

Flott serie. Liker at du har med en blanding av detaljer og miljøbilder. Får prøve å få til en tur til i løpet av høsten... Utrolig kult sted å fotografere!

Anne said...

Utrolig stilige bildene fra den bilkirkegården gitt!!

Unknown said...

excellent photos. Nice creative work. I never though that a place like a car cemetery can produce such beautiful frames.

Anne Ueland said...

Jeg forelsket meg helt i rustne gamle vrak da jeg kjørte Route 66 i fjor, så for meg er det så utrolig gøy å se disse bildene, selv om det jo er litt vedmodig også.Håper jeg får muligheten til å dra til denne bilgravlunden engang. Knallbra bilder, likte disse kjempegodt.

Hilsen Anne

Anne-Berit said...

Kjempestilige bilder,utrolig at gamle vrak kan være så fine.Var noe rørende over det rattet med all mosen på:)

Ivar Ivrig said...

Verri nais :-)

Ser ut til å være en fin dag dette.

Rune Eide said...

De har nok sett dine beste dager disse her. Veldig artig med speedometeret på null og de andre gamle detaljene.

Naturen tar tilbake det den en gang hadde. Mosen tar over.

PS En 7D er nettopp kommet inn døren - kommer til å trenge større harddisk :-)

Maria said...

Incredible shots!

Since your blog is one of the blogs I follow, I just want to inform you that
now it's new life in Sweden and a new blog.
Welcome to visit
Have a great Friday!/Maria

Irene said...

Råtøffe og morsomme detaljer! Dette er bilder jeg ikke blir lei av ... skulle gjerne vært der sjøl og fotografert!

Alt bra med dere? Ha en fin lørdagskveld!


Quint said...

The moss covered steering wheel made a great view.

Øyvind Antonsen said...

Du blir visst aldri ferdig med denne plassen du heller ;o)

Det nest siste bildet er stemningsfullt - og det beste sett med mine øyne. Jeg synes lyset blir vel hardt i enkelte av bildene.

mvh Ø.

Anonymous said...

Some of these old cars seem older than I am.

The Explorer said...

you have a unique taste in photos, never seen someone taking this kind of artistic photos for rusty, old and unusable cars :)

Las Islas Filipinas World

Carolina said...

Gorgeous photos! Particularly love the steering wheel. And also the one below that. Heck, I think they are all wonderful. Although I do wonder why these cars are just left to be 'consumed' by nature.

Dejemonos sorprender said...

Wao, nice photos.. i liked.. you have fantastics pictures here,

Ruben Hestholm said...

Igjen - utrolig tøffe bilder! Jeg liker den plassen kjempegodt, og en gang når jeg er i de traktene skal jeg spore den opp.

:.tossan® said...

The texture that you give the photo is great!

Anonymous said...

Wow - wonderful shots. And so poignant!

Lucy Corrander : Photos said...

These cars have almost become your trademark.

Thank you for following Pictures Just Pictures. I've run out of space for photos there so I have moved to Message in a Milk Bottle. It looks different but it's the same - one photo every day.


LR Photography said...

Great job John!

Unknown said...

Knallstilige bilder fra en bilkirkegård. Hadde sansen for disse! Flott serie og ikke minst annerledes kreasjoner;O)

Anonymous said...

J'aime beaucoup tes photos artistiques.

mythopolis said...

You are shooting right up my alley. Wonderful shots. It is interesting how sentimental people can be looking at these machines with one wheel in the grave. Each one seems a container of lost memories. My heart goes out to the little lost vw. Thanks!

Baraçal-press ® said...

Muito bom o seu blog, fotos magníficas!
Que o Natal te espalhe com momentos de amor, alegria e boa vontade. Que o novo ano seja cheio de contentamento e felicidade. Desejo-te um Feliz Natal! Abraço

:.tossan® said...

That the Christmas spreads you with moments of love, joy and good will. That the new year is full of contentment and happiness. Desire you a Happy Christmas! I hug

Owen said...

Wishing you happy holidays, and hoping you'll be back blogging here in the new year, you are missed...

PS found some old VWs in the USA in September, did a post about them here :

Happy 2011 !

Louis la Vache said...

«Louis» is fascinated with these old car photos you show, John.

Wishing you all the best this New Year!

Rune A Karlsen (Bildebloggen) said...

Takk for det, godt nytt år til deg også John :)

Jeanne Henriques said...

Great shots!
The lighting in the first four is exceptional.
From there the story unfolds....imagine the
stories that could be told around these!

Pinecone Stew said...

Suuuuper photography. Beautiful.

David Puente Tripiana said...

Un trabajo excelente.

Fernando Pagán said...

Un magnífico reportaje.El lugar da mucho de sí para hacer buenas fotos.Espero que las ramas y hojas no lleguen a ocultar tan bello lugar.Saludos

this too will pass said...

lovely pictures, why have you stopped?

Canil Bons Companheiros said...

carros abandonados
lindas fotos

Rezervesana said...

I am so glad i found your site. Fantastic photos - thank you!!

Blitz said...

Disse bildene er så fantastiske at det er umulig å finne en favoritt. Gravplass for gamle biler er min første tanke. Nydelig og vemodig vakkert.

Balaphoto said...

Excellent shots, report!!! Salut!!


heph said...

great captures

M K said...

Nice photos! I really like the moss on the steering wheel and I especially appreciate how little your pictures appear to be edited.