Sunset by the Drammen River
This is not a lensflare, it is a halo/Sundog(optical phenomenon)
If you want to read about this, click here.
This is not a lensflare, it is a halo/Sundog(optical phenomenon)
If you want to read about this, click here.

For more Sky Watch photos, visit the Sky watch site - Sky watch was Dots idea, now hosted by Sandy, Wren, Klaus, Fishing Guy and Ivar.
beautiful picture!! Great!
I'm trying to work it out. Is it a reflection or something to do with the lens?
Knall bra! Men lurer også på det samme som Lucy, er det lensflare?
Måtte Google dette litt og det kom over en sak på som tar for seg dette fenomenet.. Bisol heter det visst..
jøss, korr stilig bildet.
Det er nok ikke ofte man får et sånt fint motiv.
Fint fanget.
Stunning shot John. Thanks for sharing it.
Wow, that is incredible.
Have a great weekend.
Regina In Pictures
Wow, skikkelig spennende fenomen, og så bra at du fikk fotografert det! De mørke skyene og sky-svingen over var veldig "kunstneriske", det legger til noe ekstra i bildet :)
Där har du ju fångat en fjäril!
Det var ett mycket speciellt och vackert foto. Kul!
Wow thats an awesome photo, I can see some spectrum in the halo too, I like the clouds coming towards the camera.
There are insufficient superlatives to describe your photo. Never have I seen a butterfly in the sky before!
What a fantastic shot and reflection John, just looks like a butterfly.
Så kult. Aldri sett før, skikkelig flott var det.
Love this "Halo"... never had the good luck of taking a picture like this. Congrats!
Javier Echaiz
Fantastisk! Så det bisolfenomenet jeg også her om dagen, tok noen bilder som ikke ble noe fine i det hele tatt! Så da nyter jeg dette synet! Utrolig vakkert med den speilingen - og med de skyene ble det nesten uvirkelig! Som imac sier; ser faktisk ut som en sommerfugl! Himmelsk!
Absolutely breathetaking.
Knalltøft bilde John :) Satt på Gulskogen og så på det der, utrolig stilig :) Happy SkyWatch der nede.
Fascinating. Wow.
Happy weekend.
Beautiful photo for Sky Watch Friday, thank you for sharing with us all.
WOW!!! Fantastisk!!! :)
Dette fenomenet har jeg en gang observert på vinterstid,med litt tåkedis, hvor det var som 3 soler ved siden av hverandre. De var nesten like store og klare som sola de 2 andre, det var heeelt fantastisk å se på. Og jeg hadde selfølgelig ikke kamera med meg akkurat da :(
This is of breathtking beauty - I never even knew something like that could appear. Awesome, as my teenagers would say! ;-)
Ja hva skal man si som ikke er sagt!!
Dette er hva jeg kaller spektakulært...og av naturen selv!!
Det er om å være på rett plass til rett tid:-))
Amazing capture, John! Absolutely amazing. I love solar halos, but yours with the sun dogs and the reflection in the crystal clear water... wow! WOW!
That's an absolutely amazing image. Hope I see something like that one day.
Noe så tøft og nydelig på samme tid.Utrolig bra!
WOW! Gorgeous! Like a butterfly.
I'm with the others -- gorgeous and a butterfly in the sky! Incredible. Arija is right, there aren't enough superlatives to describe this one. Thanks, as always, John, for the beauty.
Fabulous picture! I have seen halo's around here occasionally in the winter, but they are much smaller.
Wow - That is AMAZING! Fantastic shot. I love it.
Best halo shot I've ever seen. Ab fab!! Looks like an angel is coming down on us. Stunning!!! Happy SWF!
Wonderful halo image. Class.
Awesome effect.
Sydney - City and Suburbs
Is that s sundog? You always have the best photos. Just amazing. Happy SWF!
Wow. This is neat. Great capture.
Beautiful picture of sunset. The reflection of light on water is good.
Halo, sundogs AND lenticularis-clouds. You had all the ingredients there. I want a wide lens like that too.
Wahoo, now that is gorgeous!
WOW ! Stunning !
It looks like a painting . This is certainly worthy of framing and hanging on the wall.
Fantastic shot...
John, you have another awesome shot. your reflect on the water does look like a butterfly passing by. Thanks for sharing.
I agree John a butterfly to grace your wonderful capture.
beautiful picture!! Great!
Have a great weekend.
Absolutely beautiful - so tranquil - and fortunate to catch the halo, too.
Perfect shot. Stunning.
wow. they're awesome shots. glad to catch some beautiful work here.
;) Silver
from One Day at a Time with Silver/
This halo is a very interesting phenomenon. I must say I have never seen the likes of it! It's a very beautiful photo.
Thanks for your visit! Have a great weekend. It's still chilly here although the sun is shining.
The reflection is just WOW!
this is a beautiful halo ... and we've got to of it !! :-)
the water is impressively calm ...
Very nice John.
Happy weekend.
WOW John, what a wonderful captur and reflection.
Cool shot! Great capture of sundog and its reflection. Wow!
Det var litt av en fangst! Og så lærte jeg noe nytt - takk for det!
PS Bildene var tatt 16.mai...
Gorgeous! Takes my breath away...
Gorgeous sky!! And those are wonderful reflections in the water.
Fantastisk!! Eg har aldri sett eit slikt fenomen, så då er dette bildet ein veldig god erstatning:)
Ha ei fin helg!
This is phenomenal John - definitely one of your best!
Wow.. I've never seen or knew that such phenomena exists.. How is this circle of light created!?
The clear mirror/waters just enhance and complete that circle
Wow, this photo is breathtaking!
Beautiful reflections, which I love photo.
A very stunning composition.
I have seen a sundog once before in South Carolina, USA, near the beach. (Do they tend to show up closer to water? I've never seen one in New Mexico, USA)
What is truly spectacular about your photo is the reflection of the sundog into the water. WOW!
Fantastic capture!
Brilliantly captured. Nice blog.
This is a fabulous find, John! I'm definitely going to follow the link to learn more about sundogs!
u make me burn of envy :)
Once again ...
incredibly beautiful image!
WOW, that is amazing!!! What a WONDERFUL image!
magnificently spectacular!
John : This is truly spectacular. Thanks for pointing out that it isn't lens flare which is what most of us would have thought instantly.
This is a breathtaking composition. Congratulations.
This is breathtaking photo, indeed! I am especially impressed with the reflection of the sun and clouds which together formed butterfly wings.
It’s been a long time since the last time I visited your blog and I am really impressed with all other photos that I missed to see earlier. Every of your photo is spectacular. I literally enjoyed in all of them.
Skikkelig rått. Artig å oppleve slikt.
Gode HDR bilder nedover her også
You must have timed it just right to catch the river so calm! Beautiful shot!
What a beautiful butterfly!
Utrolig VAKKERT!!!!!!!! :)))
Har sagt det før og sier det igjen, du er en fremragende fotograf.
En mester!
This is like a miracle are awesome
this is so amazing! i never seen a read sundog ever. hope i can get shots like these someday...
Great image John.
John a question, is there any blog that you know of candid photography in Norway, like street scenes, people, etc...let me know!
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