The University of Oslo (Norwegian: Universitetet i Oslo, Latin: Universitas Osloensis) is the oldest, largest and most prestigious university in Norway, situated in the Norwegian capital of Oslo. It is considered the only Norwegian world-class research university.
It was founded in 1811 as The Royal Frederick University (in Norwegian Det Kongelige Frederiks Universitet and in Latin Universitas Regia Fredericiana). The university was modelled after the recently established University of Berlin, and originally named after King Frederick of Denmark and Norway. It received its current name in 1939.
The university has faculties of (Lutheran) Theology, Law, Medicine, Humanities, Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Dentistry, Social Sciences, and Education. The Faculty of Law is still located at the old campus on Karl Johans gate, near the National Theatre, the Royal Palace, and the Parliament, while most of the other faculties are located at a modern campus area called Blindern, erected from the 1930s. The Faculty of Medicine is split between several university hospitals in the Oslo area.
Currently the university has about 25,000 students and employs about 4,600 people. It is considered one of the leading universities of Scandinavia.Source Wikipedia

Jeg liker komposisjonene dine. Fint lys og herskapelige bygninger.
Kjempeflotte bilder og fin informasjon:o))
Really splendid photographs. Amazing beauty building, with ancient Greek style!
That is such a beautiful building. It is fun to learn more about other parts of the world through this new meme.
All I knew about Norway so far is that it is very cold ;)
That's a gorgeous campus!
Jepsi pepsi, i disse krisetider var vi så heldige å få utbetalt en liten bonus på jobb for 2008. Nå er det D90 jeg har. Merker stor forbedring selv hvertfall :-)
John, you give every shot so much thought and attention - I love that! Did you study here as well?
Beautiful university! and your shots are just magnificent! as always! Thanks for sharing, John!
Impressive campus. I enjoyed this post immensely.
It actually bears a resemblance to the Royal Palace you featured last week in its style of architecture. Magnificent photos as always!
Sure looks a fine building John.
Hepp. Fikk en melding fra min mor i dag på msn. Det var vist virus. For hun hadde ikke sendt noe til meg.
Virusprogrammet er kjørt og pc rensket.
Pene linjer og lys i et flott bygg. Det siste bildet var ekstra pent, likte skyggenes vandring :o)
Ja, liker også veldig godt komposisjonene dine, symetrien gjør bilde mer interresant for meg :) Flotte bygninger!!!
Beautiful buildings, great shots John.
Have a great week!
Regina In Pictures
Beautiful, stunning photos!
They just don't build buildings like this and your shots of the Stortinget. Thanks for sharing your countries beautiful sites!
Beautiful architecture.
You really do have some impressive buildings around you, lovely.
So beautiful, and i love the design of the cobblestones
A very stately and elegant building...
good snaps!!
Intressant information och en vacker byggnad. Du tar härliga naturbilder men när det gäller fotografering av arkitektur kommer din talang fram ännu till det yttersta. Fabulösa bilder.
so much attention to detail, this makes for a visual appealing city. you have a pretty campus.
Again, my hat is off to you John. Beautiful work!
UiO har noen virkelig praktbygninger som du har fått fint frem. Jeg falt bokstavelig talt for treappen.
PS Jeg tror vi må snakke litt med Wikipedia ;-)
Lovely captures! Beautiful work.
beautifully portraitured!
Great work with the light/shadows,John, especially on the fourth one and a very informative post. Thanks, John!
I'm very impressed with the architecture! It's like our univercity! If I didn't know that it's in another counrty I would say that it's Greek! If you want to see the similarity visit to see the univercity of Athens. Nevertheless I'm SURE that the lessons in YOUR univercity are high quality -as we hear- and the education too! So the similarity is refered to the architecture only!
I love your's pictures.
Fantastic blog.
Hello John
The photos are magnificent, as always.
beautiful series of shots, bravo.
Last fall I visited the campus of Harvard University. Yours is 100 times more beautiful. How lucky you are to have such a legacy. Harvard is a hodgepodge, not pretty at all.
Last fall I visited the campus of Harvard University. Yours is 100 times more beautiful. How lucky you are to have such a legacy. Harvard is a hodgepodge, not pretty at all.
Flott serie og like flotte bygninger. :)
Har du studert der da? ;)
These are excellent photographs. Maybe you would consider uploading them to Wikipedia to make them available for more people to see (like in the Wikipedia article that you are citing), Wikipedia has some photographs of the Karl Johan campus but not as good as these. You can upload them at, just register an account (it takes about 15 seconds) and click "upload file", select "own work" and select the recommended license, which means that you are credited for your work. You would need to remove the © thing from the pictures, though, in order not to create confusion.
If you upload them, remember to include them at this page:
Just click "edit" and include the file names under "gallery"
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